Tag: nonviolence
30 Days of Vigilance
Now that the United States presidential elections are over and have ended with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris being declared the winners, the next step is ensuring a smooth and…
Read MoreAllies Needed for Asian Americans Targeted for Violence
ELCA Global Mission describes accompaniment as “walking together in a solidarity that practices interdependence and mutuality.” Filipinos, who were under Spanish rule for 300 years, call this concept pakikisama, “to…
Read MorePentecost Peacemaking
As the Church year moves from Easter into Pentecost, this Sunday we will remember again the story in Acts 2 of the Holy Spirit moving over the apostles in Jerusalem,…
Read MoreLPF Opposes Corporal Punishment of Children

Lutheran Peace Fellowship is committed to opposing violence, not just on a global level of drones, wars, and nuclear weapons, but with families in the home. Jesus instructed Christians to…
Read MorePraying for New Zealand
Lutheran Peace Fellowship mourns the deaths of people killed on Friday, March 15, 2019, during prayer services at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. We grieve with our Muslim siblings and…
Read MoreLenten Greetings from our New National Coordinator
You and I live in a world where violence and fear lead to more violence and fear. When we watch the news, it’s easy to be concerned by the troubles…
Read MoreConflict Transformation, Nonviolence, and Justice
An Annotated Guide to Over 400 Outstanding Books, Manuals, Audiovisuals, and Web Sites Outstanding Introductions Lawrence Apsey, Jren Etames Brisaol, Kppler, Transforming Power for Peace, a booklet of 17 brief…
Read MoreResources about Nonviolence
Nonviolence In our culture the word “nonviolence” is loaded down with stereotypes, myths, and misconceptions. It may be among the most misunderstood words in our language. Following a few overview…
Read MoreThe Global Spread of Active Nonviolence
by Richard Deats In the last century Victor Hugo wrote, “An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.” Looking back over the twentieth…
Read MoreLutherans and Conscientious Objection to the Draft
Lutherans have had a long history of responding to the gospel call to be peacemakers. One of the initial motivations for the formation of a Lutheran peace movement in the…
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