- New Media for Parents, Teachers, and Youth
Useful links and insights on new media, computer games, books and more. - The Path of Hope (Wall of Hope)
Over 100 peace and justice successes throughout history: Exhibit, activities, handouts, resources.
More than 600 churches and groups have found this helps inspire and encourage faithful action for justice and peace. Timeline of events: (pdf)Versión en español
- Peace Points
A resource series for youth groups and adult leaders. 11 widely used and effective group activities and bible studies on peacemaking, conflict resolution, world hunger, just war, simple living, peace worship, and other topics - 24 Ways Students Can Work for Peace
tri-fold handout with great ideas for teens and college students. - U.S. Budget Priorities: An engaging, interactive computer activity for youth and adults. Previous users have said it brings alive the shocking imbalance in U.S. budget priorities: a vast amount goes to military power, and very little to diplomacy and development aid as alternatives for engaging our world. (Currently unavailable).
- Youth and the Military
What are your options? What questions might you ask? What organizations can help? What are alternatives to military service? How can you be a conscientious objector?
- AFSC, Help Increase the Peace dynamic, engaging, highly participatory training program to learn nonviolent skills; trainers in 19 states (’04, manual is $30, 12-minute video rents for $5; AFSC, 410/323-7200, ichico@afsc.org)
- Susan G. Fitzell, Free the Children,* fine conflict education manual for children and teens; useful quotes, activities (New Society, ’97)
- Paul Loeb, Generation at the Crossroads,* revealing and insightful interviews build a hopeful perspective on youth today (Rutgers, ‘94)
- Fiona Macbeth and Nick Fine, Playing With Fire: Creative Conflict Resolution for Young Adults, superb activities (New Society, ‘95)
- Cornelia Penner, Games That Byte: Helping Youth Evaluate Computer Games, a full curriculum (Faith & Life Press)
School Programs
- Center for Media Literacy, fine videos and discussion helps for parents and teens on media violence (800/226-9494, www.medialit.org)
- Classroom Pledge of Nonviolence,* curricula, videos, school packages, e-newsletter… (Institute for Peace & Justice, 314/533-4445, www.ipj-ppj.org)
- Conflict Resolution and Prevention Engaging Schools (formerly Educators for Social Responsibility) collaborates with educators to create school communities where each and every student develops the skills and mindsets needed to succeed and make positive contributions in school, work, and life.
- PeaceWorks conflict resolution and mediation curricula for schools, peacemaking skills, research summaries (http://peaceeducation.org)
- Sarah Pirtle, Discovery Time for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution, a superb manual of activities, K-8 (CCRC, ‘99)
University Peace and Justice Studies
- The Peace and Justice Studies Association (PJSA) is dedicated to bringing together academics, K-12 teachers, and grassroots activists to explore alternatives to violence and share visions and strategies for peacebuilding, social justice, and social change. (http://www.peacejusticestudies.org/)
- Maurianne Adams, et al, eds., Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice, a goldmine of curriculum ideas and resources (Routledge, 1997)
- David P. Barash, ed., Introduction to Peace Studies (Wadsworth, ’91)
- Jennifer Turpin and Lester Kurtz The Web of Violence (Illinois, ‘97)
- Daniel Thomas and Michael Klare, eds., Peace and World Order Studies: A Curriculum Guide, hundreds of syllabi (Westview, ‘96)
- Fellowship of Reconciliation
- Institute for Peace and Justice
- ELCA Advocacy Ministries
- Bread for the World
See also: LPF Resources for Youth Leaders, LPF Youth Website, Peace Education, Peace Links
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