Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) is known for his leadership role in the Confessing Church, efforts on behalf of peace and justice, opposition to antisemitism, and writings on theology and ethics in Germany during the Nazi era. Read Quotes by Dietrich Bonhoeffer and watch the Dietrich Bonhoeffer – video series.
Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the Indian independence movement and pioneer of the philosophy and strategy of non-violence. Read Quotes by Gandhi and check out this video series made for the International Day of Nonviolence observed on Gandhi’s birthday October 2nd.
Martin Luther King Jr. demonstrated the power of nonviolence to overcome even the most entrenched prejudices. Read Quotes by Martin Luther King Jr., The Vision and Challenge of Martin Luther King Jr. (bulletin insert), Addressing Racism: Challenge for Peacemakers, ‘I have a dream’ speech, More MLK Resources and Videos
Walter Wink – his brilliant nonviolence work includes the “Third Way” of Jesus with an explanation of “turn the other cheek”, “offer your coat as well”, and “go the second mile.” Check out this video series “Nonviolence for the Violent”.
(Wall of Hope)

Overview with slide show
Activities and resources
More than 600 churches and groups have found this helps inspire and encourage faithful action for justice and peace.
Eventos y movimientos a favor de la justicia y la paz a través de la historia.
Shalom! Toward a More Effective, More Faithful Approach to Conflict and Violence – Our most popular essay explores a more faithful and effective approach to conflict and violence: it is an eye-opening overview, with annotated resource list.
Peacemaking In Challenging Times – Plumbing the riches of Lutheran insight, experience, and tradition
A wonderful set of peacemaker quotes in the first and third sets of cards from LPF’s Peacedeck (get the full set of instructions and materials here).
Also see Transforming Our World – The most useful books, manuals, and web sites, selected by PJRC teachers, researchers, parents, and activists.
Read more about Nonviolence, Christian Peacemaking, and Advocacy.
Top Ten List (pdf, html)
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