Nonviolence – A Definition


In our culture the word “nonviolence” is loaded down with stereotypes, myths, and misconceptions. It may be among the most misunderstood words in our language.

What is Nonviolence?
For many, nonviolence is a way of life that is grounded in a deeply held religious or moral conviction. For others it is a strategy, a method of confronting conflict or oppression in a way that seeks to honor life.


  • is a kind of persistent, disciplined, assertive and often courageous good will.
  • is active confrontation with evil that respects the personhood of an enemy.
  • seeks both to end the oppression or threat of violence and to reconcile the adversary.
  • is a specific way of living out Jesus’ teachings and bearing witness to the promise of God.
  • For Christians, nonviolence is rooted in our understanding of a God who is peace, who gives us peace and calls us to be about making peace with justice.

*adopted by the ELCA (archive) (originally written by two LPF leaders)

Resources about nonviolence:

Conflict Education – Insights, activities and resources for examining conflicts between individuals and on larger levels, and for strengthening skills to address conflict in any area of life.

International Day of Non-violence – video series

Nonviolence: Cultivating the Way of Peace
Ways to nonviolence -overviews, activities and ideas for leaders.

Shalom! Toward a More Effective, More Faithful Approach to Conflict and Violence – Our most popular essay explores a more faithful and effective approach to conflict and violence: it is an eye-opening overview, with annotated resource list.

What is Christian Peacemaking? – This popular activity explores the breadth and depth of the biblical vision of Shalom, peace, justice, community, wholeness. One to six session resource with additional questions and activities to build on or expand the impact of “Jesus’ Way of Shalom”
español¿Qué significa pacificación cristiana? – el papel de pacificador esta enraizado en nuestra experiencia de un Dios quien es paz, quien nos da paz, y quien nos llama a ser parte de la paz y la justicia.

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