Tools to Spread Climate Activism

All of us care about climate change. Most of us believe it is a real and immediate crisis…

Download and share the PDF here: Tools To Spread Climate Activism

“What can we do?” We are not climate scientists, so other than reducing our own carbon footprint, what else can we do? This document is all about sharing with others the following links and follow up ideas that will empower people to take action.

Watch the following video clips to get started. In less than 25 minutes you will have a better idea about why and how to advocate for the planet.

  • Greta Thunberg shook up the US and many other countries with her clear and unmistakable voice describing how much climate trouble we are leaving for younger generations. In this video she discusses solutions within our grasp. (3:40 min).
  • Project Drawdown ( is a primary source of the most recent research into known methods of drawing carbon out of the atmosphere. Get an overview of the project. (12:11 min).
  • Four Levels of Action: Pachamama Alliance organizer Will Grant talks about four different levels of action which we must understand so we can organize effectively. (7:35 min).
  • 2040: Australian filmmaker Damon Gameau made this hopeful documentary to bring to life the solutions for reducing carbon from Project Drawdown’s research. Buy or rent the film by doing a Google search. Watch the trailer here: (2:15 min).

Taking Action…

  1. Use a Carbon Tracker: BrightAction has developed a tool for groups to track their members’ carbon footprint. Organizations can set up an account by going to Your individual members can set up their accounts (under your organization’s banner) and track their personal carbon footprint.
  2. Get into Action: Find an “accountability buddy” so you can get into action together, if you wish. Look at the many categories of action on and make a list of issues that interest you. Then Google these words to find local, regional or national organizations to find out how you can contribute to their efforts.
  3. Spread Awareness: The primary thing we ALL can do is spread AWARENESS… Send this document or link to your friends, family, and groups to which you belong. Be open to speaking to groups and use this document as a template for taking action. Teach these steps to others and encourage them to do the same thing. Include your name; phone # and email address when you are organizing others.

Congratulations, YOU are now a Climate Activist!

Call Libby Carr at 425-223-8556; for assistance in using this document to create more Climate Activists!!

Download and share the PDF here: Tools To Spread Climate Activism